@KTzone » 消閒 - YouTube短片 » 120° - I think, therefore ( I keep my own faith )

2014-8-8 02:02 DDTv
120° - I think, therefore ( I keep my own faith )



*When you try to watch this video, I suggest you to find a quiet place, suit your earphone and open the volume to maximum standard for the purpose of letting you to feel my artwork and your inside.

重新拼湊破碎的現在 卻缺了代表完整的那一塊拼圖

從恐懼和不安之中 我伸出雙手 抱緊內心那個遍體鱗傷的自己
安撫著自己沒有事了 不會再有誰傷害你了 這裡已經是安全了

在一望無際的蔚藍色的天空 我不再怕那裡來的鷹或是突如其來的雷暴
我會堅持我所認為的信念與原則 毫無束縛下自由地遊走屬於我的人生

When I wanted to pieces my life together again, but it lost the piece of the puzzle that represent a complete.
I asked myself the question repeatedly every day, "Who am I?"

I held the bruised boy who was inside my heart from fear and insecurity.And I tried to say that no one can hurt me again, here was a safe place.

I am no longer afraid of eagles or a sudden thunderstorm in the extensive and blue sky.
I will keep my own faith and principle, to go through my life with freedom.

Your support, is the most important thing to let me create something new continuously

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